Interdisciplinary Skills for Engineering
Jaime E. Villate. University of Porto, Portugal

Since the beginning of the 1980 decade I've been using the LaTeX system to write papers, books, lecture notes, exams and even letters. In 2016 I taught a LaTeX course dubbed "Interdisciplinary Skills" for engineering graduate students, together with professors João Canas Ferreira, from Electric Engineering, and João António Correia Lopes, from Informatics and Computing Engineering. In 2021 the Mechanical Engineering students chapter asked me to deliver a three-session seminar on introduction to LaTeX.


  1. Introduction. Text formatting. Special characters. Advantages and disadvantages of mark-up languages. LaTeX documents processing cycle.
  2. Instalation. Downloading and installing LaTeX and its auxiliary packages.
  3. Document styles. LaTeX styles and packages. Document's structure and format.
  4. Symbols and equations. Mathematical equations in LaTeX.
  5. Text blocks. Lists. Tables. Pre-formatted blocks. Multi-column text. Footnotes.
  6. Graphics. Including graphic files. Packages to make illustrations and mathematical diagrams.
  7. Bibliographies. References and bibliographic databases. Using bibtex.
  8. Indices. Table of contents. List of figures. Using makeindex to generate indices.
  9. Papers. Scientific paper preparation using editor's provided packages.
  10. Tesesh. Specific styles for theses and their adaptation to the style used at FEUP.
  11. Presentations. Making slides and Web pages. Package beamer.
  12. Extensions. Creating new commands. Modifying and adapting packages and styles.


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