I taught this course between 1998 and 2001.
- Vectors. Force systems. Torques and binaries.
- Static equilibrium. Newton's first law.
- Rigid bodies. Distributed forces. Centroid and center of gravity.
- Structures and machines. Friction force.
- Kinematics of particles.
- Relative motion.
- Tangent and normal coordinates. Radial and transversal coordinates.
- Newton's second law. Equations of motion.
- Angular momentum. Central forces.
- Work and energy. Conservative forces. Impulse.
- Systems of particles.
- Kinematics of rigid bodies. Translation and rotation. Moment of inertia.
Plane motion of the rigid body.
- Meriam, J. L. & Kraige, L. G. (1998). Engineering
Mechanics, volume I: Statics and volume
II: Dynamics, 4th edition (SI version), John Willey & Sons.
- Beer, F. P. & Johnston, E. R. (1996). Vector Mechanics for
Engineers. 6th edition with SI units, two
Volumes: Statics and Dynamics, McGraw-Hill.
Support Material
- Estática.
(lecture notes, in Portuguese)
- Dinâmica.
(lecture notes, in Portuguese)