EQ106 – Pure and Applied Mechanics

Bachelors in Chemical Engineering and Informatics and Computing Engineering
Jaime E. Villate. University of Porto, Portugal

I taught this course between 1998 and 2001.


To gain the ability to visualize simple physical situations and the effects of forces and motion in three dimensions. To introduce basic concepts of mechanics and their application to the solution of Engineering problems.


  1. Vectors. Force systems. Torques and binaries.
  2. Static equilibrium. Newton's first law.
  3. Rigid bodies. Distributed forces. Centroid and center of gravity.
  4. Structures and machines. Friction force.
  5. Kinematics of particles.
  6. Relative motion.
  7. Tangent and normal coordinates. Radial and transversal coordinates.
  8. Newton's second law. Equations of motion.
  9. Angular momentum. Central forces.
  10. Work and energy. Conservative forces. Impulse.
  11. Systems of particles.
  12. Kinematics of rigid bodies. Translation and rotation. Moment of inertia. Plane motion of the rigid body.


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