13th International Conference on e-learning

July 17 – 19, 2019. Porto, Portugal

How to use e-learning for assessing science courses

Jaime Villate

Faculty of Engineering. University of Porto

  1. Online quizzes
  2. Advantages of online quizzes
  3. Reasons not to do quizzes online
  4. Science lectures
  5. Digital content
  6. Blended learning
  7. Science courses assessment
  8. Written exams
  9. Written exams graded on-line
  10. Maxima
  11. Question generation with Maxima
  12. Exam creation with Maxima
  13. Exam in PDF format
  14. Exam grading in Moodle
  15. Exam grading methods
  16. Brief answers sheet interface
  17. Full quiz interface
  18. Single string interface
  19. Student's written exam online
  20. Conclusions